This is one of the
stories I had written a few weeks back… I hit the save icon then ignored it. Now that I have another story to add to it…
it’s time to pull it back out.
Sticks and Stones
Have you ever been with a group of people
talking, maybe joking around when someone suddenly spits out a comment that you
just didn’t understand but everybody else laughed, slapped their knees and
almost doubled over… did you put a smirk on your face and give a little giggle
as you looked at the others, hoping they didn’t catch on that you didn’t know
what it was that they found so funny. I
know people who have to hide their (for the lack of a better word) ignorance
every day, they hear the political speeches and sheepishly nod following the
crowd, most of them are the old-school Democrats. They think of the Democratic Party as the same
party they started following in the mid 60’s, the 70’s maybe even the 80’s.
Late in 2008 early 2009 references started
to be made about the “TEA Party” rather than a political party like Republicans
or Democrats, the TEA Party has no central organization and very limited
uniform core doctrine. T-E-A stands for
Taxed Enough Already, the grassroots movement was built on the goal of reducing
the national debt, reducing government spending, eliminating budget deficits
and reducing taxes. The movement is a
blend of conservative and libertarian fiscal values but refrains from engaging
in social issues and agendas (not always successfully).
The TEA Party works on fighting unchecked government
growth and ever increasing interjection of government into all facets of individuals’
daily life, this has brought the anger of Progressives down upon them. When Progressives talk about the TEA Party
members they refer to them as “Teabaggers”… when you hear Nancy Pelosi, Harry
Reid even Obama say “TEABAGGERS” are the cause of this or “TEABAGGERS” are the
cause of that, “TEABAGGERS” “TEABAGGERS” “TEABAGGERS” and you hear the crowd
cheer, do you put on your half-hearted smirk, give a little giggle, let’s see
if I can clear up the confusion for you, wipe away your ignorance.
A man that straddles a sex partners face and dips his scrotum/testicles in and
out of their mouth as if dipping a teabag into a cup of hot water.
So to disparage a group of people, to
belittle members of the Tea Party, Pelosi, Reid, Obama all feel free to repeatedly
use this derogatory term day in and day out when talking about people that
won’t fall in line behind them. Would
you be comfortable if public servants used other derogatory terms as openly
when referring to another group? Would
you smirk at the word “Wetback”? Would
the word “Cunt” give you the same giggle?
What if a politician standing at the government’s (the peoples) podium
said “Spook” or “Nigger” when talking about people that won’t fall in line
behind them… acceptable??? Disparage a
group of people, to belittle members, derogatory term day in and day out.
Myself, I’m not associated with any TEA
Party group but I agree with most all of their views and even if I didn’t I
would still speak out against this open marginalization of people who are concerned
with what is happening in our nation.
Now that you are no longer ignorant to the words being spit into your
face… where do you stand? I’ve been
called worse, time for me to stand shoulder to shoulder with like-minded people
and accept that Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Obama are going to call me a “Teabagger”.
Remember, for every “Teabagger” there must be a “TEABAGGEE” in the world of
progressive politics in the end you fall into one of two categories, you’re
either with them or against them. If
conservative/libertarians that don’t agree with them are “Teabaggers” I guess
by default that makes them the… “TEABAGGEES”.
Until I wrote this, I never thought I’d use these words…
Speaking Truth to PowerThe TOMCAT
More Name Calling
During the first two weeks
of October a select group of conservative politicians stood up and did exactly
what they promised their constituents they would do… FIGHT OBAMACARE! Mainly Senators, Ted Cruz and Mike Lee led
this effort, they were sent to Washington by the voters of Texas and Utah to stop
the damage Obamacare is causing and will cause.
For their efforts they were called Anarchist, Jihadist, Hostage-Takers,
Political Arsenates, TEA Party Terrorist, etc… They were called out by all
levels of the Democratic Party and the “Lap Dog” mainstream media. That was to be expected but what wasn’t to be
expected was the same behavior by members of the Republican Party. Of all the issues that should have had a
united front from the so called “Conservatives” this was the one.
The defund tactic was the
second to the last chance to stop Obamacare (the last chance at limiting its
damage), then the option offered to delay implementation could have given
breathing room to both sides to negotiate.
Myself, I preferred the defund rout but if that failed I’m ready to go
for the last chance to stop Ocare, full implementation… This program will collapse and it will cause a
massive amount of damage, economic and otherwise. You can only tell the child so many times
“Don’t Touch the Stove” before its time to kick the stepstool up to the stove
and be ready to pick-up the pieces. The
offer to delay only meant another year of telling the child “Don’t Touch the
Stove”. Now that the preverbal stepstool
has been kicked up to the stove some of the children are having second
One week after the bitter
attacks, name calling and threats lodged against Senator Cruz, Lee and others
by the Media, the Democrats and the Republican Leadership, at least ten (likely
more) Democrats led by Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) and Sen. Jeannen Shaheen (D-N.H.)
have now called for either an outright delay or an extension to the deadline, the
same call made by Cruz and Lee. Funny
thing about the words “Delay” and “Extension” they both mean to postpone… Do we
hear the words Anarchist, Jihadist, Hostage-Takers, Political Arsenates, etc…
used to describe the Democrats now asking to postpone the Obamacare individual
mandate? No, now we hear words like
prudent, measured, sensible and of all things, wise. I find it simply astonishing that a “D” or
“R” following a name can be covered so differently.
Even Obama one week later is
flirting with delaying the implementation of select parts of his signature debacle…
the mid-term elections are just around the corner. Can the Democratic Representatives, the
Senators due re-election withstand the imposed public pain? Gauging by their frantic calls for
implementation delay, apparently not.
Will the Republican leadership face fall-out for their decision to
undercut Senators Cruz and Lee? I
certainly hope so. Note to the establishment Republicans: Your decision to “Runaway and live to fight
another day” seems to have become the parties default stance, in the end you’ve
become little more than Democrat-Lite.
Since you (the Republican Party) cannot be counted on to promote my
values and principles, my full support will go to candidates endorsed by the
Senate Conservatives Fund and having family/friends in Kentucky, Mitch
McConnell (R-KY) is as good a person as any to start with.
The Senate Conservatives
Fund has endorsed Louisville businessman Matt Bevin to replace McConnell in the
U.S. Senate to represent the people of Kentucky. I highly recommend all family and friends
take a moment to visit Mr. Bevin’s web site then please ask your
family/friends to do the same and if you have considered donating to a
political organization please consider donating to the Senate Conservatives
Fund (SCF).
Another early endorsement by
the SCF is for Chris McDaniel over incumbent Republican Sen. Thad Cochran from
Mississippi. Yes, taking the Senate is
the goal but first we need to clean our own house…