Monday, April 30, 2012

The Candidate

What would you look for in a political candidate?  What personal traits would you look for in someone you were looking to lead during troubled times?  I’ve thought this over for the past few days and came up with a list of the top five traits I would look for.

5.)  Enthusiasm in the abilities and potential of our nation.  Not only personal enthuse but someone who is able to bring out this enthusiasm in others. (Cain)

4.)  Commitment to the structure of our form of government as designed by our founding fathers.  A commitment to the principles of the Constitution of the United States of America. (Paul)

3.)  Dedication to the people of the United States.  The ability to follow the will of the people above personal or special interest to the point of personal or political ridicule. (Santorum)

2.)  Intellect, the mental competence to properly apply economical, historical, technological and political principles’ to situations.  A critical thinker not prone to “kneejerk” reactions. (Gingrich)

1.)  Humility, willing to subordinate him/herself to others ideas and course of actions when needed to overcome obstacles.  Someone who’s pride or ego wouldn’t get in the way.   A quote from President Lincoln (Rep.) speaking of General McClellan (Dem.) during the American Civil War “I would hold his horse if he would just bring victories”.  President Lincoln would be General McClellan’s stable boy for the good of the union.  (Romney) 

    You notice I put the name of a Republican Primary Candidate following each trait that I felt was important.  Each man to one extent or another displayed all five of the qualities but each had a strong point that was important to me.  Through the primary season I had been kind of pulling for Mr. Cain, Mr. Santorum or Mr. Gingrich at different times due to their strengths but ultimately as I think it over in the context of our national situation the candidate that was at the bottom of my list is the best man for the job.      
    I fully support Mr. Romney.
    In his business dealing (rebuilding/restructuring failing corporations) he has a proven record of selecting the best people to surround himself with.  Not based on friendship or payback but ability.  He surrounded himself with the best minds, experts in their fields and listens to them.  This is what we need now.

    I applied the five traits to Mr. Obama, it isn’t pretty.  He failed to display any of the traits that are important to me.

5.)  Enthusiasm in the abilities and potential of our nation.  Not only personal enthuse but someone who is able to bring out this enthusiasm in others. One of his first acts as he took office was “The Apology Tour”. Talking down the United States and its citizens.

4.)  Commitment to the structure of our form of government as designed by our founding fathers.  A commitment to the principles of the Constitution of the United States of America.  He considers the Constitution to be an antiquated document no longer applicable according to his theory of our place in a global society. 

3.)  Dedication to the people of the United States.  The ability to follow the will of the people above personal or special interest to the point of personal or political ridicule. He deems the public to be pawns for his use to forward his agendas.   He continually pits one group against another. 

2.)  Intellect, the mental competence to properly apply economical, historical, technological and political principles’ to situations.  A critical thinker not prone to “kneejerk” reactions.  Obama has never let a fact, reality or waiting for the evidence get in the way of a sound bite.

1.)  Humility, willing to subordinate him/herself to others ideas and course of actions when needed to overcome obstacles.  Someone who’s pride or ego wouldn’t get in the way.   A quote from President Lincoln speaking of General McClellan during the American Civil War “I would hold his horse as long as he brings me victories”.  President Lincoln would be General McClellan’s stable boy for the good of the union.  He shows a lot of anger when he is not agreed with or has been criticized.  Even when he selected a commission to look into budget options he blew off their recommendations because they didn’t match his views.  President Obama surrounded himself with cronies and yes men.

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