Sausage is good
Sausage is great
The smoky aroma
The zesty peppery flavor
The moist chewiness as I pop it into my mouth
There will always be a place for sausage on my plate
One day as I ventured through the town
I came upon a building
Emanating through an open window I caught a whiff
A smoky aroma
A zesty peppery sent
This must be the glistening palace of sausage goodness
Although the window was high
I just needed to have a peek one little peek inside
A peek at the choice beef and pork used for the succulent sausage
I just knew there would be prime rib, choice shanks and tender loins
Bags of the freshest spices imported from far off lands
Although the window was high I stacked the crates and scaled the wall
Peering through the window I anxiously looked but
No prime rib, instead mounds of fat
No choice shanks, just men scraping bits of flesh from picked over carcasses
No loins, just oozing piles of remnants
No spices, just boxes with the word additives
All being shoveled into the massive grinder
The longer and deeper I looked through the window
The pungent odor overcame me
The repugnant taste filled my mouth
The greasy feel covered my skin
I felt repulsed and disgusted
There will never be a place for sausage on my plate
I just finished a book called The Amateur by Edward Klein. This was the first politically orientated book I’ve ever read, what an eye opener. As far as the book itself, it was an easy read and enjoyable. I felt as if I were a fly on the wall listening as Mr. Klein conducted the interviews. The people he interviewed seemed to be open and very willing to tell their stories. The one thing that caught my attention was the consistency from one person to the next on President Obama’s lack of integrity, the absence of any form of work ethic (outside of campaigning) and his reserve of loyalty for a very select few (very, very few). Alright if you hear comments from one person it could be a one-off thing, they could have an axe to grind. But to hear the same remarks over and over from several sources (friends and scorn) as related to several different situations the evidence may be circumstantial but none the less overwhelming and damning.
If you’ve visited my blog before I’m sure you realize I am not an Obama fan. I consider him to be a naive ideologue with very little real life experience and absolutely no leadership abilities. His presidency was a result of some sort of a national guilt trip or feel good fantasy. To me, just a mess to deal with for four years that will have to be cleaned up over the following eight, a Jimmy Carter thing. But after reading The Amateur I feel I’ve gotten a look behind the mainstream medias glossed over walls of the Obama administration and like the sausage factory, it’s not pretty.
The most telling part of the book for me was Professor Steven Rogers account of meeting Mr. Obama prior to his run for the senate. Prof. Rogers helped Obama clear up several thousand dollars of personal debt and also contributed several thousands more to the senatorial campaign funds. Prof. Rogers had one request for his contributions, he wanted Mr. Obama to return to speak to his students after the election, Mr. Obama agreed. The students tried to contact Sen. Obama after the election but he refused to return their calls. Prof. Rogers finally got a hold of the senator and asked about the promise. Sen. Obama had a very simple and direct reply.
“Come on, man, you should know better when politicians make promises”
Professor Rogers summed it up, “What you have with Barack Obama is a lack of character.” (Chapter 4, pages 32-33)
The longer and deeper I looked through the window
The pungent odor overcame me
The repugnant taste filled my mouth
The greasy feel covered my skin
I felt repulsed and disgusted
(Go ahead, take a peek for yourself. I recommend reading THE AMATEUR)
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