I have been reading a lot of postings dealing with the Aurora theater shootings just to try to settle in my mind what happened. What was the breaking point in this young mans life to bring him to this? Was it just an act of pure evil by an evil person? I came across what may be the most insightful posting I have ever read it was by Oleg Abtashian. Why does it take someone from the Ukraine to voice in such clear terms the attempted dismantling of the American Society?
In my original posting (… and all of this, I’ve given you 22 July) I had written that Mr. Obama’s speech in Roanoke Va. reeked of Karl, Mao, Che, ect… short the calls for death and destruction. I may have been a bit hasty; although his words weren’t blatant they were inflammatory. His remarks reinforced the divisiveness that fuels the us against them mentality that seems to fill every aspect of today’s society. We have had members of Presidents Obama’s administration openly praising mass murders like Mao and Che. Our academic institutions likewise praise these evil men as if they were saints. Then when someone does on a smaller scale effectively what these men have done to millions the administration, the liberals, the media want to act horrified. Why? A quote from Che Guevara (one of academia and the lefts heroes) “A revolutionary must become a cold killing machine motivated by pure hate”. Is the left secretly cheering another strike on the American system? The words are in place “Evil Corporations” “The Selfish Rich” “The Republicans want dirty air and water” “The TEA Party people are bigots”. Now it appears actions are following. I could not describe the actions of James Homes any better “… a cold killing machine…” the very words of Che Guevara.
I pose a couple of question for you to ponder.
Should a government that’s so eager to take credit for the success of an individual be held accountable for an individual’s malfeasance?
Is there a puppet master? Is it a man, a group, a system?
My answer is NO. Some may think they are in control, directing actions from the shadows, but ultimately it’s the individual that chooses the path they follow. The individual can follow a path to success or surrender themselves to anger, hatred and finally failure. Mr. Holmes mental status is questionable and very likely a major factor but he chose to give into his anger for whatever reason…
I leave it to you to choose your path.
I recommend you visit the American Thinker web site and read Oleg Abtashian article.
Mr. Abtashian article can also be found on The Peoples Cube web site (very interesting site concept).
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