Sunday, September 9, 2012

Where Did That Come From?

    I was listening to the radio a couple of weekend back while I was working on a project (I believe it was a repeat of Sean Hannity from earlier that week).  Any way a young lady called in and her final comment kind of got me thinking.  She told Sean “What’s Romney going to give ME!   I mean, if he’s (Romney) not going to give me anything I’ll vote for Obama”.

    I stopped what I was doing and sat back for a moment.  I waited to hear what this young lady needed.  What was she so desperate for in her life that she was willing to follow anyone, Romney, Obama or whoever, if they offered to give it to her?  She never said she just hung up the phone.  I sat there thinking, Where did that come from?

    So I considered what are we being offered, what special needs have been spoken of?

 Mr. Obama has a track record now, his actions match his offers.

     African Americans have an unemployment rate of 14%+ with no prospects of lowering the rate.  In fact he has begun a program that’s giving illegal immigrants work visas so African Americans will face more competition for available employment opportunities.  President Obama has offered this group 4 more years of not just dependency but growing dependency.

    The Latino community has been offered what amounts to back door amnesty using vague criteria and inconsistent regulatory oversight.  Mr. Obama’s administration has coordinated to have this group take advantage of welfare programs.  President Obama has offered this group not the American Dream they seek but a life of dependency on the government.  (Side Note:  Any immigrant willing to serve 6+ years in the military deserves instant citizenship, they’ve shown a commitment to our nation that I feel is commendable and worthy of our thanks. I stand by them as brothers and sisters.)

     The women of America have been battered with a barrage of “women’s health issues” all with the same goal.  Birth control pills, morning after pills, abortion on demand and sterilization.  Listening to the Obama campaign rhetoric, birth control is the only issue important to the women of America and anyone voicing a different opinion is waging a war on women.  My wife said it best “Anytime a man offers to pay for your birth control he’s planning on F#@KING YOU!”  Figuratively or literally.

    The Green Energy Movement has witnessed a covert and sometimes an overt war on America’s fossil fuel production capabilities.  Through mounting EPA regulation, restrictive DoE permit requirements and suspicious presidential mandates.  Mr. Obama’s actions have not furthered the movements’ goals, in fact by throwing billions of dollars at campaign contributors failing companies he has wasted funding that could have been better spent perusing a functional renewable energy program.  Much like President Kennedy's challenge to the nation to put a man on the moon by the end of the decade in the 60’s, President Obama could have challenged the nation to achieve energy independence by the end of this decade while focusing on renewable components as a center piece of the vision.  Americans Love a Challenge.  Mr. Obama gave you cronie energy that failed to meet the nation’s needs and a cloud of doubt that will linger over future prospects.  

     Health Care…  So many directions I could go with this, I think I’ll go with the 18 to 26 year-old children.  It’s time to let go of mommy’s apron string (and get your hand out of daddy’s pocket).  Had President Obama focused on getting Americans back to work and strengthening the economy, most likely you could stand tall on your own.  Instead you’ll turn 27 and be at the level of an 18 year-old of not so many years back.  Life isn’t always easy and sometimes it doesn’t workout the way we wish, but the sense of accomplishment when you make it work is fantastic.  Mr. Obama has delayed your adulthood. 

     Students for Obama…  My favorite group, their starry eyed naïveté makes me giggle.  President Obama has been on this campus or at that university what seems like daily, always preaching the same lines over and over to the silly putty minds of an easily persuaded youth.  Affordable education, cheap student loans and the ever present “The Government will provide”, often followed with “The Republicans want to abandon you”.  The youthful crowd cheers and falls in line behind the Anointed One. 
Wake UP!  Your problem isn’t affordability; your problem is you can’t find a job that is commensurable to you educational investment.  I’d like to introduce you to, well, ME (and many more like me).  I have a degree (it took me 10 years while working full time, never took a loan). I have a 35 year work history with a list of real world accomplishments, achievements and experience.  I’m proven, dependable and stable.  I and those like me are going to be your competition for the limited number of good paying jobs out there…  Guess who’s going to get the good jobs.  Now for the good news (just because you are young and persuadable) get use to working for your dreams, scream for good paying jobs not handouts and you will succeed.  Paying for even a “Cheap Student Loans” is going to suck on a Pizza Hut paycheck.  President Obama’s 2012 reelection campaign platform has no mention of a plan for job creation over the next four years; he has given up on fighting unemployment. Fall in line behind “The Anointed One” and the "99%" crowed for now if you like (I guess its kind of hip and cool).  We’ll be out here waiting… 
I’d like extra cheese on that.    

       With this final pandering gift from Mr. Obama I will shatter some people’s dreams but it has to be said…  Mr. Obama has forwarded the calls for equal rights for the Gay and Lesbian people within our society by equating them to the civil rights movement of African Americans or the persecution of Jews by the Nazi regime.  Jewish people were not targeted because they entered the synagogue to practice their faith; they were targeted because of the blood that flowed through their veins. The black man could no more change the color of his skin.   These groups were not capable of changing their physical being.  Gay and Lesbian behavior is just that, a behavior.  Not unlike smoking, alcohol consumption, illicit drug use or pedophilia.  It sounds harsh but think back 50, 30 or even 10 years ago, what were the accepted norms of behavior?  Me, being a smoker and somewhat of a drinker, I have seen the backlash of a changing society views on behavior.  Force feeding a society and its institutions an unnatural behavior as legitimate always results in a backlash.  What will the backlash be?  I don’t know.  What social changes will come about in 10, 30 or 50 years?  Maybe an adult will be taking a 12 year-old girl as a mate, a 7 year-old boy as a “life partner” or even marriage to a goat will be the norm. I doubt it.  The change in a society has always been like the swing of the pendulum, the further left it is pushed the further it goes to the right on the return swing.  History has repeated this fact time and time again.  Mr. Obama has bestowed a false sense of legitimacy.

Now that I’ve offended a majority of the top tier special interest groups and as long as we’re all asking for something, I have a few requests…

Please give me NO handout
Please give me NO hand-up
Please let me work for what I want
Please let me enjoy what I’ve earned
Please let the men and women standing to my left and to my right do the same…


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