Thursday, October 11, 2012

Malala’s Courage

    As a lot of you know, I’m a father.  I have two little girls (well now young ladies), both married.  I don’t think I could be any more proud of what they have done with their lives, the choices they have made and the paths that each of them has chosen to follow.  Both of them are very beautiful, courteous, intelligent, resourceful, self-reliant, and fearless (fearless despite my best efforts).  As I said, I couldn’t be any prouder of my two girls (their husbands are very lucky men).

    Being a father of two girls, the story of  Malala Yousafzai caught my attention.  She is a 14 year-old living in the Swat Valley region of Pakistan.  You can see, she’s a beautiful young lady that could light up a dark room with her smile and as you read her story you will find she’s intelligent and courageous.

    Her story begins in 2009, at age 11 Malala began writing a blog for BBC Urdu under the pseudonym "Gul Makai" about her experiences as a schoolgirl in Pakistanis’ Swat Valley after Taliban forced banned girls’ from attending school or being educated.  The then 11 year-old showed bravery well beyond her years.  After Pakistani government forces drove the Taliban back into the countryside, Malala continued to speak out, she campaigned for the education of girls and later received Pakistan's highest civilian honor, Pakistan's first National Peace Prize.  Over the past few short years she has spoken before many audiences and with many dignitaries, always championing her beliefs in education, social equality and peace. Recently, Malala had started to organize a fund to make sure poor girls could go to school.

    Knowing her vigorous campaigning for her beliefs would make her a target of the fundamentalist Taliban operatives still in the region, she felt “the good work she was doing for her community was her best protection”.  When threats did come, relatives and friends would tell Malala to take care but Malala was never fearful. She would frequently say “I am satisfied. I am doing good work for my people so nobody can do anything to me."  As to be expected the Taliban did make threats against this young lady…

Pakistani girl shot by Taliban defied threats for years

By Saud Mehsud
     9 October 2012, a Taliban gunman targeted Malala Yousafzai on a bus taking children home from school in Pakistan’s Swat Valley, shooting her twice—once in the head and once in the neck—and wounding two other girls, one critically. Malala Yousafzai was airlifted to a military hospital in Peshawar city where doctors were forced to begin operating after swelling developed in the left portion of her brain, which had been damaged by the bullet when it passed through her head.

     Yes the Taliban made good on their threat.  An armed man against a defenseless 14 year-old child.  The Taliban made good on their threat.  Ehsanullah Ehsan, the Taliban Spokesman who claimed responsibility for the shooting, says that the militant group would attack her again if she survives.

The Taliban that President Obama sat beside during a state dinner.        
The “moderate” Taliban that President Obama was seeking an alliance with.  
The Taliban that President Obama was proposing negotiations and compromises with.
The Taliban that Vice President Biden said as an organization the Taliban is not the enemy of the U.S.

Mr. Biden, the Taliban may not be your enemy BUT THEY ARE MY ENEMY!!!!

    To think that appeasement, offers of friendship and apologies will do anything other than embolden members of the Taliban is ludicrous… There is no such thing as “moderate” Taliban!  Their ideology of Strict sharia law makes them an enemy and a danger to any person that believes in the fundamentals of human rights and dignity.    

    As I sit finishing this, yes there are tears welled up in the corners of my eyes, tears for a young life yet to be lived.  There is sadness in my heart, knowing what another father must be going through at this moment.  As powerful as these feelings are they do not dull the burning rage coursing through my veins at this moment, rage against people who would attack a child, rage against people who would appease them, rage against people who would consider seeking an alliance with them.

I pray for you Malala

A Father

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