Monday, February 11, 2013

Get A Big Wallet

    I saw this coming.  The national executive board for the Boy Scouts of America held a closed door meeting this past week to consider lifting the ban on gays within its organization.  In recent years the Scouts have been faced with financial pressure from loss of contributions and sponsorships of several corporations.  Companies such as UPS, Intel, Merck and others have caved to demands from Gay Rights Activist to withhold financial support.  What companies do with their funds is up to them and causes or associations they choose to align themselves with, again is their choice.
    As far as the decision yet to be made by the national council I hope they have considered this simple fact, Gay Activist are not looking for inclusion, access and equality.  No one is stopping them from developing their own group based upon their own values.  They are looking to infiltrate, subvert, damage and ultimately destroy another conservative organization that has its roots in traditional values.  Think about it, putting a person that defines themselves by their sexual desire in a position of trust and power over children…  They are not asking to become a troop leader; they are demanding to be “A Gay Troop Leader”.  (This should be your first clue as to their intent)
    As I stated, Gay Activist goal is “to infiltrate, subvert, damage and ultimately destroy” and I have a very simple “Litmus Test” will the LGBT groups accept all cost of any action brought against the BSA organization for accusations relating to sexual misconduct with a child by a “Gay Troop Leader” will corporations like UPS and Merck sign an agreement to absorb these cost if needed?  Crickets will be the response from them and the Boy Scouts will be on their own to deal with the financial burden.  You only need to look at religious organizations that have gone through this ordeal.  Plus they (religious organizations) didn’t openly invite sexually focused persons into their ranks; the executive board will be asking the organizations 1,400 members to consider doing just that during a vote at the national council meeting this May.
The executive board and national council members must consider an old quote that conservative people/organizations unfairly have to face at the slightest mention of impropriety.
“It’s not the weight of the evidence that is important.  It’s the seriousness of the charges.”
(From SCOTUS Justice Thomas hearings)
    Charges of misconduct are often based upon little more than verbal accounts of incidents and arise years later.  Defense against these accusations is difficult at best due to the need to protect the accused and the emotional desire to comfort the victim.  Frequently the only recourse is to come to an agreement on a financial settlement that still tarnishes the organizations reputation.  If the decision is to change course and invite “Gay Individuals” to be accepted into the ranks of Troop Leaders… you may want to consider a good lawyer and a big wallet also!
    The BSA would do good to review the three pillars that support their organization:
1.)    Mission: To prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Scout  Law.
(Should “as long as no resistance is met and no controversy arises” be added to this statement now)
2.)    Scout Oath: On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; to help other people at all times; to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.
(Will the term “Morally Straight” be deemed offensive now and have to be removed regardless of its intent and meaning… how far behind will the removal of “God” be…)
3.)    Scout Law: A Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean and reverent.
(“Obedient and Reverent” both refer to Gods Law and the observation of religious principles the organization was founded upon, will the law have to change to accommodate, or add ”as seen fit”.)
    If the organization see’s it’s self as “evolving” or “modernizing” to align its self with today’s culture and expecting the transformation to be the cornerstone of a brighter future, they only need to look at the special interest, agenda driven public school system and all the wonderful advancement they have made over the past twenty, thirty years… Kids can’t figure out basic algebra equations… but at least they feel good about it.  Will the Scouts stand to live or die by their values or cower and kneel to pressure?       
    I have to take a moment for my own rant.  Being gay, contrary to the opinion of many is not a special class, worthy of emulation or special consideration.  Being gay is a behavior, same as drinking alcohol to excess, gambling to ones detriment or illicit drug dependency.  It’s a behavior that the individual is either unwilling or unable to control.  Like drinking, gambling and drug use, the gay behavior is acted out for one’s own gratification and desire without regards to the harm it may cause self or others.  If you question my grouping of gay with the other deviant behaviors and you have children (pretend if not) say these simple phrases.
1.)     I sure hope my little girl grows up to be an alcoholic.
2.)    Now that my son has a family I hope he gambles everything away till he destroys it.
3.)    I’ll make sure meth and crack are available just in case my child wants to try it.
4.)    I hope my child gets past this silly opposite sex dating thing and becomes gay.
    Did any of these make sense to you?  They’re just behaviors… but they are deviant behaviors that you wouldn’t wish upon your child.  I’m not saying you (or I) would love the child any less but inside we’d know something is inherently wrong with their behavior. 
    A doctor, nurse or pharmacist with a non-work related substance abuse incident (not even an addiction) are removed from their duties.  A retired baseball player with a gambling addiction is refused Hall of Fame consideration (who in the hell was he hurting).  But someone with a self-proclaimed uncontrolled deviant sexual behavior, that’s someone to put with children.
    I don’t quite get why the so called “LGBT community” is so bent on looking for legitimacy by demanding others to believe and set standards as they do.  Deep inside do they question their own behavior and beliefs themselves and need others to tell them it’s OK?
If you’re not happy with yourself…
Don’t look to me


  1. You make very good points. There is really no doubt in my mind that if they let gays become troops leaders that a lot of what the Boy Scouts stands for will change drastically. I hope that it won't come to that because I've always supported the Boy Scouts and believed it was a good organization.

  2. Thanks for the posting, very well thought out and written.

  3. Gays have already ruined the Catholic Church. Let's protect the scouts from such insanity.
