“We have gone on record with a
notification to Congress and whoever
else that ‘APHIS would eliminate assistance to producers in 24 states
in managing wildlife damage to the aquaculture industry, unless they provide
funding to cover the costs.’ So it is our opinion that however you manage that
reduction, you need to make sure you
are not contradicting what we said the impact would be.”
Impact not out of effect but out of SPITE! “…make sure you are not contradicting what we said the impact would be.” Their direction was not ambiguous, not veiled, it’s clearly stated in black and white “…APHIS would eliminate assistance” even if their budget would allow them to continue to operate (Sounds like a bureaucratic hissy-fit). I also highlighted “whoever else”, that would be you, me and every other citizen of theUnited States , a USDA bureaucrat
put us on notice. I’m thinking he/she is
a prime candidate for the unemployment line.
It sure didn’t take long for one of these
“Guidance” e-mails to surface. Like I
said a few post back “Any pain felt from the sequester (or Obamageddon) is
going to be deliberately inflicted for political purposes…”and here’s your
proof. The above directive was sent to a
concerned public servant looking to serve the public while operating within the
budget constraints or 103% of last year’s budget (Hats off to ya buddy… I hope
there are more like you). Mr. Obama and
his administration said the reduction in the growth of spending would have a
severe impact on services and they intend on following through on that threat. I still consider the “Sequester” a joke and I
know it’s going to be O’s excuse for the next four years, like “It’s Bush’s
Fault” was the last four. It’s sad that
many having never seen real leadership, actually see O having his temper
tantrums and making excuses, they think he’s a leader but the joke may be on O
and his Obamadrones.. O’s decision to close White House tours he instills an
example in the minds of adults and children affected. They now see the result of placing a man who
is psychologically unsuited into a position of power, petty reactions from a
petty man. Just one of Obama’s many
vacations could pay for two years of White House tours… (Note: most of the WH
tour cost is attributed to security, that won’t be reduced).Impact not out of effect but out of SPITE! “…make sure you are not contradicting what we said the impact would be.” Their direction was not ambiguous, not veiled, it’s clearly stated in black and white “…APHIS would eliminate assistance” even if their budget would allow them to continue to operate (Sounds like a bureaucratic hissy-fit). I also highlighted “whoever else”, that would be you, me and every other citizen of the
There’s a quote I see on twitter frequently “A Government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have”. Necessary or not, they’re about to attempt the taking.
You notice the “Guidance doesn’t differentiate between conservatives or liberals, republicans or democrats, not even between Tea Party and Obamadrones, no, Obama isn’t smart enough to lead the Nation to shared prosperity… but any FOOL can inflict shared misery. The question I put to you now is; How far will you follow a FOOL? O’s planning on withholding services, SO WHAT! (Some of you have read this before) Several years back something told me to simplify my life, I did! If I have to go without something, FINE, what are my necessities and how do I keep them at a secure level on my own, by the sweat of my labor, not dependent on anyone or anything. It started with a simple thing, heating my home. I could just flip the thermostat to a comfortable temperature through the winter and spend $1,000+ by the end or as I’ve done for the past four (plus) years, spend a couple of hours in the woods cutting firewood every other weekend (a truckload last me two weeks, (to be honest I’d hangout in the woods everyday if I could get away with it). Soon winter will loosen its grip and spring will take hold, it’ll be time to focus on a large garden. My wife had always taken care of it but this year I’m thinking it going to be a much larger project (The wife also cans the veggies, much better tasting than store bought). Along with gardening she keeps hens for fresh eggs. As the days get longer and warmer it’ll be time to break out the rod & reel for crappie or some farm-pond bream, bluegill and bass (sweet,sweet,sweet). These are just a few of the things I’ve done to live a simpler life, to be a bit less reliant on… for a lack of a better word, the system. Can everybody live like this, maybe, maybe not; you have to look at your situation to see where you can adapt. I’ve got faith in you, because it’s been done before, it’s been done in the cities, it’s been done in the country. Have you ever heard of the “Greatest Generation”? The people who lived through the Great Depression and World War II, they didn’t fold under the adversity, the pressure, or the misery. The smart ones didn’t sit waiting for handouts. They stood on self-reliance and sweat, when all was said and done they were better, stronger… they became The Greatest Generation.
Let the Obamadrones follow O and
his promises of inflicted misery, leave them to wallow in their shared misery,
let them whine about how tough their lives are.
We many or we few choose to
follow in the footsteps of the Greatest of America.
The TOMCATBy the way, the USDA (the same chief department that issued the “Guidance” e-mail) will be sponsoring/hosting a wine tasting event in Fresno Calif. on March 10, bringing in local chefs, breweries and wineries… another such event is scheduled in Oregon for April. Shared misery??? Obamadrones: FOOLS following a FOOL.
The Radisson Hotel & Conference Center-Fresno CA.
Yup what a DISGRACE!