Tuesday, May 7, 2013

But that’s not Important

    Something’s been nagging at me for a couple of weeks now, Obama said something that I partially agreed with.  After the Boston Bomb Bros were identified as “Radicalized Muslims”, he said;

 “… take care not to rush to judgment – not about the motives of these individuals; certainly not about entire groups of people.”
   Mr. Obama’s reason for making this statement and my agreement with (some of) the words are on different levels and different basic understanding of the meaning of the words he spoke.  Clearly, he was completely off base on the part;

“- not about the motivation of these individuals”
Radicalized Muslims motivation equals terrorist activities; they simply await the means and opportunity to commit acts of terror.
   The words I agreed with were “certainly not about entire groups of people.” But as I said, on a different level.  Mr. Obama was speaking strictly about one group of people, Muslims and one instance of terrorism.  Myself, I take the statement to apply to all groups of people, in all instances.  I consider the individual responsible for their actions and their choices; it’s not a burden to be shared by their race, nationality, religion, etc…  Yes it requires heavy lifting to hold the individual accountable; yes it requires focused vigilance to stop an individual bent on destruction.  A nation that fails to do the heavy lifting ends up with the internment camps of WWII.  A nation that fails to be vigilant suffers the horrors of 9/11.

    On the other hand, Obama speaks the words but fails in his actions.  He lack the capacity to do the heavy lifting, in the same breath that he rightly defends one group of people he will just as quickly and unjustly condemn another group. With the mention of the names Adam Lanza (Sandy Hook Shooter) or James Holms (Aurora Theater Shooter) and anyone that fails to agree with his agenda driven measures or points out that his proposals would not have stopped either are painted as bitter clingers or uninformed simpletons… “Common sense gun control must be passed… even if to save the life of one child.”
    He also lacks the vigilance necessary to secure the nation and its people.  At his direction, references to Jihad, Islamic Extremist and Radicalized Muslims are being scrubbed from the vocabulary.  To fill the gaps they have been replaced with Evangelical Christian, Catholic, Mormon, etc…  To ignore an actual threat only to replace it with an imaginary threat can only lead to further violence and loss of life.  Name the Catholic that placed a ball-bearing and nail laced explosive next to an eight-year-old child…  Doesn’t “even if to save the life of one child” apply here equally?

    The history of terrorism is well documented, the history of gun violence is equally well documented.  The established profiles of those most likely to commit these acts are alarmingly accurate when applied after an incident. 

It’s time to set aside the “Political Correctness”.

It’s time to abandon the pursuit of imaginary threats.

It’s time to focus time and resources on the true threats.

    I just don’t see the benefit in groping a five-year-old child, scaring a wheelchair bound little girl to the point of tears or publically humiliating an eighty-year-old Grandmother under the guise of heightened security.  I can’t find one instance of a terrorist act or a mass shooting being committed by them.  They don’t fit the PROFILE, don’t waste the time and resources!
    Now we have Democratic minions trying to tie the Boston bombing to the failed gun control vote.

“A background check could have caused problems for the Tsarnave brothers.”

    REALLY?  I’m serious, REALLY?  The FBI did an interview with the older brother after warnings from the Russian Government, they ignored their own profile (why? Could it have something to do with the scrubbing of the vocabulary), they gave him an all clear with no need to follow-up or monitor.  Along with more explosives the brothers had a hand gun and a rifle, Cambridge police and state law requires persons to obtain a license to possess a gun, neither brother had applied for one…EVER!  Criminals don’t seem to follow the law very closely, Duhaaa… that’s a shocker.
But that’s not Important. 

    This past weekend I stopped in at a yard sale and one of the items the little old lady had laid out was a pressure-cooker ($20) it was unregistered and she didn’t even bother doing a background check before she sold it (and I think she was a Catholic).  I’m thinking that may spark some interest down at Homeland Security, but then again the Russian Government couldn’t seem to light a fire under their @$$ with a credible threat warning.

Searching for Sanity in
An Insane World


All Disturbed… All Fit the Profiles…
Warnings Were Given…
And Ignored!

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