Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Balancing act (that’s out of balance)

    Recent polls indicate Congressional approval ratings have dropped to the lowest point ever (8% to 10% +/-).  These polls have been used as an excuse for the President to push his agendas by edict.  They have been used by Harry Reid to call for procedural changes within the Senate (the same changes he vehemently argued against a few years back).  When pressed, most who disapprove of Congresses job performance are unable to differentiate between the Senate and the House of Representatives let alone name their Representatives.  On the other hand, of the people polled that did know the names of their Representatives, they approved of their members of Congress by 62%+.
    This leads to a bit of a disconnect, a bit of an imbalance,  if the citizens of any given area approve of their representation and continue to re-elect the same individuals every 2 or 6 years what change do they expect to see (I guess they just don’t like anyone else having Rep’s).  It seems that the citizenry of the Nation has lost site of the purpose of the branches and levels of government and the balance needed between them to be effective.  The people of the United States are looking for cures to local ills to come from the federal level.  A one size fits all fixes but consider this, rules and regulations that may be quite appropriate and beneficial for a major hospital in Los Angeles CA. when its servicing thousands of patients a day aren’t necessarily going to be workable at the health clinic in Cloversport KY. that may only see 30 patients a day.  Yet Congress has passed a law that doesn’t differentiate (and now the cracks are starting to develop). 
    Excluding the extensively publicized “Gridlock” in congress, when asked what people dislike about congress overall the answer is “The Pork” or special favors jammed into bills by members for their home districts… then asked what they like about their representatives… “They bring home the BACON”. 
    Myself I’m content with the gridlock, the debate, the inaction at the Federal level, the things that affect me and those around me need to be addressed at the local level.  The industry, the careers, the job opportunities in this region require certain skills that may not be needed in a place like Chicago or San Francisco but with the push for common core, another top down “one size fits all” initiative, it appears needed skills are not being taught.  A quick example, consider the performance of 19-year-old Rachel Jeantel during her time on the witness stand and her later revealed twitter comments.  It has been reported this September she will be a senior at Miami Norland High School… clearly by her own admission she is unable to read cursive writing, the tweets she sent out were peppered with spelling errors and her command of verbal skills speaks for its self.  Basically her reading, writing and communication skills fail to come up to 4th grade level yet she has been moved along under the previously government mandated/funded (and teacher union approved) system and at least 2 years of Common Core.  Instead of marching on the streets for what happened to one youth, parents should be marching against what is being done to all their children daily.  Some may be thinking I’m being a bit harsh on young Ms. Jeantel… I don’t mean to be, I think the school system owes her an apology, the taxpayers a refund and the administrators some jail time for fraud.  In 2010 Mr. Jason Zimba (One of the architects of common core) admitted the goal is to “prepare each student for entry level jobs” (Pizza Hut) or for a “community college with non-selective entrance requirements…”  They expect this low bar goal to make us competitive in the world?       
    The ills of the nation will never be cured at the Federal level by passing another all inclusive, over stuffed bill or an agency distributing pages of rules and regulations meant to foresee every circumstance or predict every variable from coast to coast or southern border to northern border or from city to cornfield.  We have enough (more than enough) laws, rules and regulations to take care of our national interest (if they would be enforced as intended).  Thus far the shining light for the governments prescribed cure is a 45% increase in temporary help services accompanied by a 32% increase in welfare enrollment, it appears the ointment is worse than the rash.  Soon welfare recipient will top the list of fastest growing professions, our national product… DEPENDENCY.  The health clinic prohibited from providing for the needs of the local community, the young adult incapable of taking advantage of opportunities, the faceless name on a welfare check… all just statics to be shuffled from column to column by an out of touch and unconcerned federal bureaucracy, the cure will have to come at the state level, the county, the city level, or maybe from your own yard.
Time to bring balance back to the system
If you’re thinking young Ms. Jeantel may be an exception… think again, it seems she fits into the median range of her school.  Fair… or not she will be the face of Florida’s education system for the next few years… maybe the Nations.
A little background on Miami Norland High School achievement scores.
Above Basic Standard                    Basic Standard                   Below Standard
Reading:                          23%                                                     39%                                        38%
Math:                                13%                                                     37%                                        50%
Note: “Basic Standard” means only partial knowledge of subject… Are They Kidding, not even a working knowledge of a subject?  Is this the one size fits all plan of Common Core?  If Eric Holder wants to investigate a crime in Florida… skip Zimmerman and head for the schools.


  1. You've written a lot of good stuff, but this is the best article I've read! Excellently said!!Sharing!!

  2. "...the tweets she sent out were peppered with spelling errors and her command of verbal skills speaks for its self."

    This sentence was my favorite.


    Your failure to see the bigger picture is astonishing. If this government was allowed to create public jobs with the same ability as the Bush years, we would be doing much better.

    Corporate profits are soaring...while the lower classes are suffering. How can you defend this fact AND still believe that trickle-down economics w/o fair taxation laws and regulations are the answer we've bee waiting for?

    This smoke screen has had 30 years to prove DOESN'T work!

    The prosperity of the middle/lower classes has been dying in direct relation to the death of unions.

    "RIGHT TO WORK"...who comes up with these stupid names? how about "RIGHT TO GET FIRED FOR NO REASON" And more importantly, who believes that they are a good idea?

    Ironically, its mostly poor republicans who believe that they can still attain the 'Merican Dreeem. They actually believe that HARD WORK will get them there. The fix is in...all the GOP needs is some dumb folks to believe in them.

    I wonder, who would be great candidates to fall for this BS? I know!! How about Christians!!? Those people believe that Jesus is actually coming back! HAHA perfect!

    They claim faith is more important than our senses...yet they wait for Jesus to return...which can only be experienced by...that's right...our senses!

    I digress...

    Back to the GOP: the obstruction has been hideous...unprecedented!

    Using the debt ceiling as a weapon--it's never been done before--when it is being used by the side that primarily CAUSED the debt, is beyond cheeky.

    The right is purposely sabotaging our economy. It's sick.

    People like Bill O on Fox believe racism is dead...have you seen the TV show "Big Brother"...? Trust me, it's alive and well.

    All that folks like "DITCH" Mitch McConnell are missing is a white hood.

    That weasel R-R-R-R-eince P. was put on Earth to find ways to stop black people from voting. How American!

    The GOP worry about fighting a system (that has been declared lawful & constitutional, by the way) by trying to repeal it...40 times now! about waste.

    The right can't even get its own story straight. The are split and will stay that way.

    Sadly, 45% of republicans believe that the party has not gone far enough to the right. It's truly laughable. Yeah...THAT's the problem.

    Those on welfare are in more red states than blue.

    You haven't even touched on the gerrymandering that has happened.

    I would love to see ONE republican honestly address this subject.

    Meanwhile, you continue to blame the unions who brought us terrible the f'n weekend!!

    Tell me...what do you think came first: An asshole boss or a union.

    Everything can always be better and I am all for it...but to not give new ideas a fair shake, when the current system was doomed to failure, is ignorant...and frankly not very American-sounding.

    We will never have a perfect country, but you can't see the forest for the trees, friend.


  3. Thoughtful read Tomcat, thanks! Ignore the strident pablum rant of 'R'. He is a product of the subject of your piece.
