Monday, April 8, 2013

Labels Part 2 (End Game)

    I had written this with last week’s story and had debated whether to post it or wait for a SCOTUS decision.  I decided a glimpse into a potential future is more beneficial than an “I Was Going To Say That” at a later date…

If you haven’t read the first part you may want to take a moment to catch-up.
Labels (part 1)

    Several months back a case came before the Supreme Court of the United States involving the use of labeling for products (Barf Sunshine Citrus Cola Company vs. Coke-Da-Cola Company).  Succumbing to Barf’s emotional appeal of “…everything would be fair, equal and we would feel better about ourselves…”, the court came down in favor of the plaintive, Barf Sunshine Citrus (and as a side note: Dingle Berry Bio-fuel Company was also allowed to use the coke-da-cola label).  Barfs had finished its packaging refit and has begun distributing its drink expecting to soon see the profits start rolling in but instead of gaining market shares their sales plummeted, along with the sales of the original Coke-Da-Cola Company and Dingle Berry Bio-fuel Company.  Consumers no longer knew if they were going to get a cola drink, a citrus drink or a mouth full of Bio-fuel. 

    (All of the players weren’t on the field, you have to look who’s on the sidelines sometimes.) 

    Since its inception in 2011 Barf Sunshine Citrus Cola Company had been receiving financial backing from a silent investor, the only stipulation for receiving continued support was, Barfs would pursue the Coke-Da-Cola label.  It has now come out this investor was Preppy Cola Company (Coke-Da-Colas’ number one competitor).  Now with Coke-Da-Cola all but ruined Preppy Cola has discontinued financial support of Barf Sunshine Citrus Cola Company leaving them to flounder with a diminishing consumer base.  The executives and employees of Barfs were little more than useful idiots being played by Preppy Cola to destroy its competition…  The folks at Dingle Berry Bio-fuel Company were even bigger idiots, they had no financing offered to them, they just saw a cause and jumped on the band-wagon without thinking it through.  Preppy Cola is now set to be number one in the cola drink market with no creditable competition.
    “Useful Idiots” that’s all the gay/lesbian community are.  There are three barriers that an Authoritarian/Totalitarian Government must overcome to achieve its goal… Freedom of Speech, a well-armed populace and Religion.  The attacks on gun owners is well documented and ongoing, speech will fall when the other two have been crushed.  How could religion be cut-down? 

    All the mainstream religions define “Marriage” as a union between one man and one woman and most consider any other arrangement an offence to GOD but as soon as gay and lesbian MARRIAGES are listed as a “Human Right” any religion/church that disputes or declines to take part in the full recognition of the new protected class (at man’s whim) will be labeled as “Discriminatory” and as a discriminatory organization it will no longer be entitled to the usual protections from government intrusion (i.e. taxation… most likely to the enth degree and collapse).  Or the religion/church would have to submit to the whims of man and disavow the 2,000+ years of their teaching undermining its standing with its followers.  Either way religion will be hard-pressed to survive as we know it.  On the other hand if the term, or label, Marriage retains its current meaning and the gay/lesbian union is deemed “Domestic Partners” religion/churches are unaffected because they have no part in sanctifying, need or desire to participate in the arrangement as they do in marriages.

    The gay and lesbian communities are being spurred on and used as “Useful Idiots” by people with an ideology that uses people or groups and pits them against each other to further their own agendas… you see it every day on TV, families of shooting victims used as a backdrop for a speech on gun control, factory workers as a backdrop at a speech threatening lay-offs, storm ravaged towns used as a backdrop for political pandering (the list goes on)… All useful idiots that are quickly forgotten once they have been USED!

    If you’re thinking my scenario is over the top you may want to consider these cases that have already come before lower courts…

    An Illinois state panel says it has found "substantial evidence" that two businesses discriminated against a gay couple looking for a venue for their civil union ceremony.

    Doctors in California may not discriminate against gay patients on the basis of their religious beliefs, the state's Supreme Court ruled

    A photographer who declined to shoot the commitment ceremony of a lesbian couple. An attorney for the couple, however, argued that the business openly advertises its wedding  photography services, and as a public business is required to follow the same anti-discrimination laws as any other company.

These are just a few examples of cases that have been in the system at lower level courts, laying the foundation and if you’ve noticed some of the wording that had been slipped in is very telling.  I especially took note of the story with the photographer “ openly advertises its wedding photography services”.  They didn’t advertises Civil Union photography services did they???     

    It still comes down to a basic fact, homosexuality is a behavior… nothing more, nothing less, it’s all about choosing to participate in an activity… or not.  To force its acceptance upon those that view it as sordid, is Tyrannical.  

We’ll see how this plays out
   Note to the professional photographers (and others out there), If your approached to do something like this kindly decline the first request if you like, but if pressed give them a cut-rate price… and cut rate work.  Myself, the smart-a$$ that I am, I would’ve given them a day they would have never forgotten!

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