Just when you’d think they couldn’t get any lower the Obama re-election team pulls another page from Chairman Mao’s “Little Red Book”. The new video (produced by Goodby Silvererstein and Partners) shows a children’s choir (sometime in the future) singing songs blaming parents for all the evils in the nation due to them electing Mitt Romney President in 2012. This is not the first time the Obama administration and supporters have exploited the young minds full of mush for their own political/personal gain.
The use and indoctrination of children is nothing new and it’s fairly easy to do. Children for the most part will not question the authority/wishes of dominant adults in their life and can easily be manipulated using actual or implied peer pressure. Especially in today’s society that often requires both parents to work outside the home or in a single parent home that requires the parent to spend even more time away from the home. This can expose children to “Group Think” individuals who will take the opportunity to forward their own agenda. This tactic has been used several times in the modern era by African War Lords, South American Crime Syndicates and even leaders of nations, most notably the “Hitler Youth” and Mao’s use of children during the “Cultural Revolution” to inform on and destroy those with “Different Ideas” including family members (most of the time parents). During both the “Hitler Youth” and “Cultural Revolution” movements the children started out with singing songs of praise about the “Supreme Leader”, the songs then took a turn and became battle cries against the leaders targets and finally the youth took up arms to become the main force, the executioners if you will, of any who would question the leader. Not that you actually had to question, sometimes the kids just ran out of people to beat or kill so that made you next.
So is it any wonder I become concerned as I watch videos of children singing about Obama as if he were a god come to save them? Is it any wonder I become concerned as I watch videos of children singing songs of blame to parents for having ideas different than the ones directed by Obama? Is it any wonder I become concerned when I’ve seen it all before repeated time and time again always ending in the death of millions. Like it or not all three of them have been placed on a pedestal as god like beings, so far two of them have fallen and been proven to be nothing more than evil little men… Will there be a third to spread the horror or will he be removed before the true extent of his damaging ways are played out?
The more you know of the past
The clearer you will see the future
In addition the children also do a little ditty called “Big Bird is Sacked”. They have a big problem if “Big Bird” is their argument for re-electing Mr. Obama, but it seems to be the main point they keep coming back to. Is that really their priority? We’ll have Big Bird but toss the children’s economic future in the debt heap.
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