I follow a rather conservative group of people on twitter (and a few liberals, just for a giggle at their naive views). After the election it was ablaze with a wide range of emotions, depression, anger, confusion, even some joy (like I said I follow a few liberals). I’ve heard calls for all kinds of actions from boycotts to violence (I don’t like that) there has been mention of red states succeeding from the blue states and I admit I did jump on that a bit “Would never be allowed…. Blue States feed off the Red States”. In the larger picture its true, but not the entire story.
Looking at the Solid “Blue” states like Michigan , Wisconsin , even California , less than 10 to 20% of the counties actually backed President Obama… His support came from the densely populated urban areas; geographically speaking a very small portion of the nation were hardcore supporters. He focused on urban areas with gifts and welfare programs (Obama Phones and EBT Cards). In order to fund his policy of buying their support he drains rural America . As long as rural America continues to produce he will continue to skim off their labor to subsidize the liberal voting base.
Red = Conservative Values
Blue = Liberal Dependency
Purple = Split
The EPA is gearing up to step on the neck of “King Coal”; they also have their sites on the beef industry for supposed “Cow Flatulence” all the while hiding behind the ruse of climate change. It has nothing to do with environmental issues; it has everything to do with extorting money from rural America to fund their urban base. When it comes time to plant the crops and then harvest, the corn and wheat farmers will again be hit with exorbitant fuel cost, the harder they work the more they will pay in fuel and taxes again funding the liberal urban base. All the while the Obama administration belittles the family values and work ethic of rural Americans, they openly criticize the religious beliefs of rural Americans, the Obama team label rural Americans as bigoted, backwards and “clinging to GOD and GUN’s”.
Maybe it’s time to give Urban AMERICA just what it asked for! They don’t like COAL, coal stops right now! Let urban America flip the light switch through December and January… What no lights, no heat, no TV? Urban America doesn’t like cow farts, Fine! Beef, pork, poultry and dairy farmers, holdback taking the livestock to market, let Los Angeles serve their EBT cards for dinner for the next two months. They don’t like home produced oil and natural gas, FINE! Let the UAW members huddle around a Chevy Volt and celebrate Christmas.
See no violence, rural America is just joining urban America in kicking back waiting on free Obama stuff… What could the Obama administration do? Call out the National Guard to make the farmer plow the field; those troops are the sons and daughters of that Iowa Farmer. Will Obama call on the military to force the miners underground to pull out the coal; again those troops are the sons and daughters of the West Virginia coal miners. Let his own base turn on him, all we have to do is sit back and take a break, maybe do a little deer hunting, chop some firewood, get ready to celebrate Christmas at church instead of at Wal-Mart and help the people in our own communities… After all we’re just a bunch of “Dumb Hicks” what could we do to throw a wrench into the works? We’ve always had the power to bend Washington and its politicians to our will; we just never had reason to be so forceful. I think we have reason now, they just got too greedy. According to Hank Jr. “A Country Boy Can Survive” Do you think they could make it through the winter (or past lunch)? Georg Clooney never spent enough time in Kentucky to learn how to grow an ear of corn much less a few thousand acres. Jay-Z wouldn’t now how to turn a chunk of coal into electricity much less supply it to an entire region, yet this is the “Presidential Brain Trust”.
We could stop the madness in two months (Dec.-Jan.) and easily restart the machine in February after they bend to our demands… What are our demands? Very simple, EPA is out of the business of bankrupting America ’s energy resources. The “Welfare State” becomes a WORK-Fair program!!! Urban America funds its-self, no more threats to hold small business (FAMILY FARMS) hostage with increased taxes, EPA regulations and fines! A national voter ID law will be enacted and enforced (with stout penalties). No more “FREEDOM FROM RELIGION” go back to “FREEDOM OF RELIGION”, if someone doesn’t like the cross on the hill, they are free not to go to the hill. And just for good measure SCRAP OBAMA CARE and go back to the drawing board with open hearings on a workable health care reform… Feel free to add any other grievances you’d like, it would all be negotiable…
First a leader would have to be drafted; someone with national exposure that could be talked out of political aspirations. Someone that believes in the same values and has some brass to say SHUT-IT-DOWN when needed… A Newt Gingrich kind of guy or woman. Someone that rural America could unite behind and take coordinated action. Next let’s avoid the commercialized holidays, avoid the liberal film/entertainment industry. If you want to buy the family something for Christmas how about a nice generator (either way I think it will come in handy, soon). Finally, think what you would have to do or have on hand to manage during a disruption (Hope for the best but prepare for the worst).
We could do this in two months using tried and true labor union tactics or wait two years for it to crash down on its own with no chance for a re-start. Just remember “three meals away from revolution”. I wonder how friendly Mr. Obama would find the streets of Chicago after a week of missed meals? Too long we have listened to urban America scream “Give us what we want” its time to hear them scream “Give Them What They Want, Just Turn The System Back On”.
We can fall in with the TEA Party (Taxed Enough Already), I don’t care, might as well use their infrastructure. If Nancy Pelosi wants to be degrading by calling us tea baggers that’s fine, she looks like a choice recipient of a good old-fashioned political Teabag’n. San Francisco gets shortchanged on rural America ’s products till they can send someone that can show a little common courtesy and respect to us.
50+ million voted against the welfare state, what if they took a day off…
One less day of productivity, one less day of taxes…
I’m thinking November 15th or 16th would make a nice Conservative
“Call-in to work Day” I’m feeling the “RED” flu coming on.
How about twitter #RedFlu 15 Nov. 2012
Maybe a relapse on December 13th or 14th…..
Just to put a hic-up into the system…. Just enough of a blip to be seen on the economic radar… Do ya think an EBT card holder might climb off the couch to cover for me?
Myself, I’m looking forward to a two month vacation
Getting a bit tired of carrying the load
From the news this week it sounds like small business and the aviation industry are already doing their part… “Layoffs Announced” Too bad they didn’t do it a week ago when it could have opened some eyes!
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