I’ve spent the last few days listening to poll results on TV, reading about them on news sites on the web and listening to the experts break down what the polls mean… Some polls in the “Blue States” (traditional Democratic voting states) show Mr. Obama with ridiculous leads. You would wonder, have the people in these states had their eyes and ears closed for the past 4 years? I don’t think so; Hang with me for a bit…
Let’s look at Wisconsin , could just as well be Michigan or Minnesota but I’ve got a thing for Wisconsin (I’ll explain later). Anyway reading the comment following one of the articles I came across one that caught my attention by a gentleman I’ll call “Mac”. He’s been getting 3 to 4 call a day (sometimes as many as 8) over the past several weeks asking him who he will be voting for, each time Mac says “Obama of course” all the while he will be voting for Romney. He thinks they keep calling because he’s giving the answer they want to hear… That could be, but not very smart on the pollsters part. Mac also said in his town there very few if any Obama signs or bumper stickers when they were everywhere in 2008. I’ve seen comments like this over and over with many admitting that they had voted for Obama last time.
I could see this and let me tell you why. The states of the upper mid-west have always been traditionally affiliated with the Democratic Party but that was the Democratic Party of years gone by. The Democratic Party of today is nothing like the one their Fathers and their Grandfathers supported. Today’s Democratic Party has become the party of individual failure, destruction of the family and dependency, this goes against the values of most in the region. Folks in Wisconsin , Michigan and Minnesota believe in giving an honest days work, being self-reliant, independent, they believe in family and God. They also have a bit of smart-ass in’em, they watched as their values have been trampled and I think they have taken on that old “Fool-Me-Once” attitude. Come November 6th the Democratic Party is going to get a surprise from the people they turned their backs on and took for granted. Come November 6th while the Power Brokers of the Democratic Party sit back thinking to themselves “The people of the upper mid-west will just blindly follow and do what we say”, the people will vote their values not a letter that no longer holds any meaning for them (D). Just remember the recall of Governor Walker, after outside agitators came into the state and told them they made a mistake by electing him. After all the money spent and efforts of out-of-state forces, Governor Walker won the recall by a higher percentage than in the original election. Folks in Wisconsin don’t like to be told what to think and do. Mac, I salute you… Now go out and give’m hell
Some years back me and the wife made the pilgrimage to Green Bay WI . Lambeau Field, row 10 on the 50 yard line, Monday Night Football, Brett Farve and THE PACK against the Vikings (BOO, HISS), It was ice cold on those metal benches… One of the most memorable nights of my life. Everyone should go once; you’ll meet some of the nicest and friendliest people in the world and you won’t even mind the cold. I’ll always have a little something inside for Wisconsin .
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