Sunday, June 17, 2012

Screaming The Loudest

    Why is it that it seems the people who scream the loudest about inequality, injustice, personal liberty and rights are the same people that eagerly trample on these same principles once they are placed in a position to address the real or perceived injustice?

Looking back over the past days, months and years I’ve come up with some interesting instances.

    Many states have been working on voter ID initiative.  This sounds logical to me; I’m 50 years old (and look it).  I’ve been carded for beer, smokes, and movies. I was carded this week when I went onto Fort Knox Army Base and carded at the doctor’s office.  I just don’t see a problem with pulling my ID out one more time every 2 or so years when I vote.  But the Obama administration and Department of Justice claims that requiring identification during voting disenfranchises minorities and is meant to intimidate.  At Eric Holders’ direction the DoJ failed to raise even an eyebrow when thugs from the New Black Panther Party stood outside Philadelphia polling stations with clubs and talking trash as voters attempted to enter.  The administrations silence and lack of action sends a clear signal to groups considering the same tactics.  Could it be the American Nazi Party or Klan members standing out front next time?  I hope not… but is there a legal precedence in place now?    
    This week President Obama made a statement that “the private sector of the economy is doing just fine but the public sector is where jobs are being lost.”   Just looking at the raw numbers since he took office the number of private sector jobs have gone from 228,028,000 to 226,737,000 a loss of -1,291,000 jobs under his watch while the ranks of government employees have been raised from 22,250,000 to 22,390,000 a gain of +140,000.  If nurses, policemen and firemen are being laid off, who is the government hiring?  And why?    (Source   I used their numbers).

    As the Arab spring spread through the Middle East Mr. Obama chose to involve the United States armed forces overtly and covertly within regional conflicts, primarily Libya.  His justification was that we had a “responsibility to protect” and to not act would be a “stain on the conscience of the world”.  I agree with both of these principles.  Like it or not the U.S. is the cop on the beat for the world.  Yet the same situation is occurring in Syria with a staggering loss of life and Mr. Obama fails to act saying “there is no coalition to resolve the conflict”.  Without U.S. leadership there will never be a coalition capable of defending the defenseless.  Without U.S. leadership there will never be a coalition capable of bringing aid to the helpless.      

     One of the first calls Mr. Obama put out during the 2008 presidential campaign was for an energy independent nation within five years.  He has continually cried out for investing in the future of America and shovel ready jobs.  He has been handed at least two opportunities to make these a reality.  First was the opportunity for the Canadian oil sands and the Keystone XL pipeline. Next was the opportunity to initiate recovery options for the upgraded Green River Formation oil production potential (a 200+ year supply potential).  Each time he has chosen to obstruct or ignore the possibilities.  Along with the oil industry he has waged a covert war against the U.S. coal industry through the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).  As the nation’s coal fired electrical plants come up for re-licensing, new regulations are being placed upon them until they are unable to meet the requirements, this gives no choice but to shutdown operations.  Yes, many of the electrical plants dating from the late 1940’s to the late 60’s should be replaced but economically they must be phased out and replaced in a thoughtful manner.  The nation gets 45% of its electricity from coal and to shutdown 1/3 of these plants at once would be devastating.  For all of Mr. Obama’s’ banter on the economic pains of the U.S., Europe and the world, he fails to comprehend the potential of cheap energy to drive a substantial recovery.  With the U.S. effectively out of the world oil market, Europe could see energy cost at our levels vs. us creeping up to their levels.           
     Now I’m going into an area that no matter how I look at it I just can’t see any justification.  (Two views to the same instance).  


    While campaigning and early on in his first days in office President Obama along with his Attorney General Eric Holder screamed about the treatment of high profile detainees at Navy Gitmo.  They lamented on how the detainees’ human rights were being violated and they weren’t receiving due process in the legal proceedings.  Ok I can see where water boarding and such stuff may seem scary.  I’ve been held under water and I had a few things done to me in the POW portion of Air Crew Survival Training but when it was over I stood up and walked away none the worse for it (maybe a bit stronger knowing my limits and how much I could withstand).  Some how I don’t see walking away from a drone strike.  I don’t see how being the misfortunate recipient of a missile protected human rights or due process.


    Arizona attempted to protect its citizens from the dangers that accompany the influx of drug smugglers and illegal immigration along the states southern border.  Again President Obama along with his Attorney General Eric Holder screamed that this was nothing more than racial profiling. Lets move back to the Middle East, I’d like to introduce you to little Johnny Ackmed.  He’s walking home from the corner market with an iced tea and a bag of skittles for his little sister.  As he passes a building, KA-BOOM, the building explodes another predator drone strike. Debris flies in all directions and Johnny Ackmed is hit in the head with a brick. He lies in the street bleeding and moments later he dies.  A misfortunate accident?  A horror of war?  Not according to President Obama.  Little Johnny turned 18 a couple of days ago, he’s male and he’s Muslim this makes him a legitimate target.  Johnny never was a threat to us but he fit Mr. Obamas' profile and when he was killed he was counted as an enemy combatant.  Given the choice I’d rather be profiled by an Arizona State Trooper.  If they make a mistake what’s the worst that could happen?  I get a ride to the local Immigration and Customs Enforcement office.

I wonder, under each of the past four Presidents not counting jet on jet, tank on tank or infantry on infantry battles.  Which one of them presided over the highest Muslim body count?  Do you think the Nobel Peace prize committee has buyer’s remorse yet?

Until Next Time
The Tomcat                     

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