Sunday, September 2, 2012

The 2012 Smash Summer Movie, Say it ain’t so Joe (The Comedy?)

    Looking back over the past years at Vice-President Joe Biden’s most memorable moments I’ve come to realize his most notable accomplishment is to have had a phrase coined after him, “Bidenisms”. 

    Bidenisms (otherwise known as “Open mouth, insert foot disease”) have been around for years and have afflicted many politicians.  Normally I would let the occasional slip of the tongue or errant phrase go with a slight giggle while thinking to myself “He’s human after all”.  I’ll start with my favorite Joe quote or BIDENISM

    Looking back over the past years at Vice-President Joe Biden’s most memorable moments I’ve come to realize his most notable accomplishment is to have had a phrase coined after him, “Bidenisms”. 

    Bidenisms (otherwise known as “Open mouth, insert foot disease”) have been around for years and have afflicted many politicians.  Normally I would let the occasional slip of the tongue or errant phrase go with a slight giggle while thinking to myself “He’s human after all”.  I’ll start with my favorite Joe quote or BIDENISM.

Sep. 22, 2008  “When the stock market crashed, Franklin D. Roosevelt got on the television and didn’t just talk about the, you know, the princes of greed. He said, Look here’s what happened.”

Is that so, Joe?  The stock market crashed in Oct. 1929, Herbert Hoover was the President  and television was still in development.  FDR became president in 1933.      

     But reading over VP Joe’s remarks something kind of caught my attention, I noticed a consistency that became a bit disturbing to me.  Look over this list of Joe’s questionable remarks and see what comes to mind…

1.)  Jul. 6, 2006  “You cannot go to a 7-11 or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent… I’m not joking.”

Really?  Immigrants from India are relegated to retail service jobs?  I’ve met a few people who came from India over the years, several were doctors…

2.) Aug. 27, 2006  “You don’t know my state.  My state was a slave state…” [Delaware]

His explanation to news interviewers question on how he would remain competitive in the Democratic Presidential Primaries when they entered the southern states. 

3.) Jan. 31, 2007  “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking man.”

Is that to say before Obama African-American’s were not articulate, not bright, not clean or nice-looking?  Sorry Sir, but Mr. Obama is standing on the shoulders of giants.  The list of articulate and bright African-American’s is long, it could fill many pages but perhaps one will do… Dr. KING       

4.)  Aug. 14, 2012  “… he’s [Romney] going to let the big banks write their own rules.  Unchain Wall Street.  They’re going to put y’all back in chains.”

Speaking to a largely African-American audience in Virginia…  What picture was he trying to paint with his words?     I know what I pictured as I listened to him…

    During my time in the military if I had publicly uttered any one of these phrases I would have been putting my career at risk.  In the military if a subordinate had spoken this way I’d have called them on it, there and then.  A single occurrence O.K. a case of engage mouth disengage brain, followed with an uncomfortable smirk then let it pass.  But Joe has displayed a history in various situations (seems a bit closer to the sheets and hooded Democratic Party of the 1800’s).  Falling back on stereotypical assumptions, he all too easily slips into painting groups of people with a broad brush…  Joe has not limited his Bidenisms to race or culture there are many list on the web.  Pick a subject and most likely you will find a Bidenism.  All-in-all you could find humor in the situation, a screen writer could have a ready-made script for the bumbling miss-speaking dolt in the white house.  Yes very funny, until you realize this man is #2, he’s one heart beat away from the presidency.  One Person did take this fact into consideration, papers found during the raid on Osama bin Laden’s compound reveled the al-Qaida leader wanted to assassinate President Obama putting an “utterly unprepared VP Biden into the Oval Office”.  Osama bin Laden thought having Joe as president would “send the United States spiraling into chaos.”

         I find it alarming that our enemies consider the VP to be a viable weapon of mass destruction to be used against us.  What I find more alarming is the news outlets that most Americans rely on to find accurate information to make informed decisions choose to gloss-over or completely omit pertinent facts.  I never seen the report about the bin Laden papers on the T.V. news (and I’m a news junkie).  Had you seen this story?     

November 6th is coming
Its time to take a weapon out of our enemies’ arsenal



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