Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Post Debate Obama Campaign Plan (A surefire winner)

    I had to work the evening of the first presidential debate between Mr. Obama and Mr. Romney so of course I recorded it.  While I was at work I kept-up with the comments on twitter. From what I read it sounded like Mr. Obama didn’t even show up.  I really had to see this failure (it sounded epic).  I rushed home and spooled up the DVR watching intently to see the Obama blunders but I really didn’t see anything different from what I expected.  I watched the Obama that I’ve known for four years.  He’s always had very weak debating skills; he’s never been able to lace together a coherent or cohesive rebuttal on the fly and often stumbles on facts due to his limited practical knowledge and experience.  That’s why it always struck me as curious when people would say he was so brilliant, so smart and a great communicator (I just don’t see it).  What I have seen over the last four years is a team that was very artful at audience selection and directed messaging.  Mr. Obama and his team selected subjects and messages that placed his audience in the position of victims and himself as the rescuer.  When you control all aspects of a speech it’s easy to look good. 

    He very rarely has exposed himself to a venue that allows for open questioning.  When he has, it’s been on occasions where he knew beforehand he was in friendly company like The View, Letterman and so on.  On the rare occasion when he has met with an opponent or interviewer that asks direct pertinent questions he quickly becomes flustered and irritated.   So like I said, I wasn’t surprised by his performance.  I did find all the excuses coming out from the pundits and press amusing, altitude, stresses of the office, preparation for “The View”, his dislike of Mr. Romney, and my favorite Ambassador Stevens death (didn’t stop him from sleeping that night or jetting off to VEGAS the next day for a little fundraising, post traumatic stress disorder I guess).  Let’s face it, you know, I know, the whole DAMN world knows… He’s a FAKE.  From the very beginning he was nothing more than slick packaging, an artificial background and factious accomplishments.  As he stood in front of targeted audiences spewing his words of envy and hate the crowds cheered and the news originations reported glowing reviews on his brilliance, he could have just as well burped White Castle hamburger gas and the reaction would have been the same.

    It took him and his team a few days to let the sting of the debate subside but in true Chicago fashion they climbed back into the fight.  As per their track record they’ve refreshed their talking points and headed out on the friendly Sunday talk show circuit to spread the new talking points to the American public.  I’m sure they believe this is surefire winner that will more than make up for Mr. Obama’s debate performance.  If nothing else it sounds like they all got the same story this time…  That Video/Terrorist thing was a mess.

Just a little something extra this week (they sounded like a bunch of children on the playground).
             The TOMCAT

I know, they used a different word but this is just as childish and funnier.

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