Wednesday, October 17, 2012

What Does C-N-N Stand For?

    I have a new zest for the battle ahead, shining the light, pointing and screaming as needed, so Y’all get a two subject post today. 

    I had to work Tuesday night so I got the initial bits of the second presidential debate from twitter.  Nice how the moderator Candy Crowley often came to the rescue of Mr. Obama (so heroic).  This is the behavior that confuses the American public and does a disservice to the viewing audience.  One such (Oh, Let me get that for you Sir) instance was on Mr. Obama saying the death of Ambassador Stevens (and three others) was a result of a mob action spurred on by an ant-Muslim “Video”.   She inserted herself into the point being made by Mr. Romney that Mr. Obama for two weeks repeated a lie to the American public blaming an obscure video, instead of admitting it was an al Qaida linked terrorist attack.  As late as September 25th in front of the United Nations General Assembly no less, Mr. Obama continued with the blame the “video and mob action narrative”, a bold face lie to the American people   But Ms. Crowley had to step-in, she stated that Mr. Obama immediately linked it to “terror” in his rose garden address.  She missed the point entirely that the President and his administration attempted to spin the violence in Benghazi to a non-existent mob inflamed by a video they never seen.  Obama and his minions repeated the lie again and again hoping it would take hold as the Obama truth (normally so quickly accepted and forwarded by the media as gospel). 

    Later (I guess after someone showed her a recording of the address) she admitted Mr. Romney was correct in the point he was trying to get to about the following two weeks of lies before she injected herself into the discussion.  That was nice, noting the debate audience was now gone and the damage was done.  In Ms. Crowley’s eagerness to show herself as an iatrical part of the debate process she forgot her most important duty, get to the TRUTH!!!  For days now she has been stating how she intended to expand her role during the town-hall style debate (town-hall means Q&A with the public, not moderator grandstanding).  As to be expected, blinded by her self-importance, she blew it.  Well if nothing else she had a personal audition with Mr. Obama as a future spokesman.  It’s strange that an old man in Sothern Indiana farm country is more knowledgeable on a subject of national importance than a DC based “Chief Political Correspondent” for CNN.  But then again…  CNN, Can’t Nail the News or is it Crowley Navigates the Narrative.


One less voice in the choir?

    Last week I posed a question to myself, I aired my own doubts for everyone to see.  To those of you that voiced your support, I Thank You.  It meant a lot to me.

    I spent some time reading my post from last Sunday over and over, picking at the words for a clue as to what I would do next.  All the time the answer was glaring at me.  Before I had even finished last Sundays post I had an answer to my self-doubt.  In one simple phrase “Evil can only succeed if good men fail to speak out.”  I will not be the ONE that failed to speak out!  I refuse to be the ONE less voice in the choir.  I am not preaching to the choir, I’m adding to the power of its voice.  If I were to allow myself to walk away, who would be next?  How long till there would be no voices in the choir?  By duty and by choice I will stand with those screaming the warnings of the avoidable calamity and devastation that is laid on the path before us.  If my voice sparks one more voice, I’ll have made a difference.  If that voice can spark another and another, evil will be defeated and pushed back into the dark recesses that it creped from.  Do I want Mr. Obama out of the White House?  You BET-CHA!!!  But more than that, I want him out by a landslide!  I want the American public to send a message that we know who and what he is.  I want the American public to send a message to those like him that we know what they are up to and we will shut them down…

    As far as the brick-walls that I’ll face in life…  Be forewarned.  You may not want to listen but you will hear me.  You may not want to believe but you will be shown the evidence I find.  You may not be willing to admit aloud you’ve followed a lie but inside you will know.  I will continue to verbally beat my head and fist against the brick-walls of life in hopes of making that one little crack.  That one crack that lets the light of truth shine in.  That one little crack that brings the wall down.

There’s a fire in me now…

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